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Experienced Brand Specialist

I have been a graphic designer for almost 25 years (since starting my first design job in an in-house reprographic department). I get a big kick from design and I have enthusiasm and determination to help you ‘brand’ your ‘brand’. atom has been my own design company since March 2007.


I’m afraid I don’t do big fancy words or long drawn out design processes, so if that puts you off, then it’s been nice to briefly meet you. If not, then please read on.


I will give you honest advice that works. Why do I know this – because I work with successful clients that are a testament to the fact that the advice given to them has helped them on their business journey.


I am Tom McCrorie and I can help you with your next strategic design and branding project.


Give me a call or drop me an email and let's work together for the future of your brand!

Hi. I'm Tom, and I do sh#t for FREE.

OK so I don’t do stuff for FREE, so don't ask. But what I do do, is work with you, to help plan for the future success of your brand. Future proofing is the holy grail of branding. let’s future proof the sh#t out of this.


I will help you to 'brand' your 'brand' and have been doing so on my now since 2007.
I’m not trying to trick you into thinking I have lots of friendly staff - I don't.


I'm not trying to trick you into thinking I have a big fancy office and a raft of account managers to help manage your project - I don't.


I'm not trying to trick you into buying design services that you don't need - I definitely will not.
What I do offer, however, is clear simple and honest advice that will help you with your business objectives and align your branding with your strategies.

Email: tom [at]​  |  Tel: 01292 388036  M: 07963 745 630

Design in Business Assoociation logo

atom is a trading name of atom create (Scotland) Ltd. Proudly designed by me ya numpty.

Reg in Scotland No: 332424. © 2024 (why not future proof it)

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