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Thomas Pettifer & Co

Logo design


Packaging design and labelling system

Project description

I was contacted by this local Ayrshire equine health care company to help them design a new brand identity and labelling system for a range of equine products to be sold throughout the UK and Europe. The client required a refreshed logo and brand identity for this outdated brand to bring it up-to-date with a more modern approach to the brand identity to give it more shelf presence with customers.



Project outcome:

The existing logo design and packaging design was outdated but the products themselves had a great reputation within the industry. So the new packaging had to retain a degree of provenance but still feel contemporary at the same time. Quite a tricky task but with the inclusion of some hand-drawn illustrations of the surrounding area and some retro-modern type treatments, I think it was a successful execution and the client seemed to think so too.




From the initial discovery phase of this logo, branding and packaging design project to the final launch of the new branding and packaging at a national trade show in London, the feedback has been very positive. The new labelling and packaging have been extremely well received by customers and the uptake of the new range in comparative terms with the old range has meant that sales are rapidly growing month on month. The new branding is being very well received with existing trade customers too. Here's to the success of this project and to a great team to work with.

Email: tom [at]​  |  Tel: 01292 388036  M: 07963 745 630

Design in Business Assoociation logo

atom is a trading name of atom create (Scotland) Ltd. Proudly designed by me ya numpty.

Reg in Scotland No: 332424. © 2024 (why not future proof it)

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